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Treadmill Ratings Central > Ironman Treadmills

Ironman Treadmills

General Overview

Ironman treadmills are made by Keys Fitness, one of the leaders in exercise equipment industry located in Dallas, Texas.

With Ironman treadmills, Keys fitness followed the same philosophy as with their other treadmills - lowering the price as much as possible without compromising quality. The final results are good mid price machines that provide good value for the money.

Ironman 220t

A great value treadmill in the 1000$ price range. This foldable model will suit any walker and light runner with ease. Good motor and long running deck are promising efficient workouts along with the features that can help in achieving better results. You might want to compare this model with Horizon T63, which is a good alternative. Ironman 220t

Ironman 320t

Ironman 320t is a slight improvement over previous Ironman model, 220t. It's motor is a bit stronger but the main upgrade is the chest strap that will monitor your heart rate. If you need this option then Ironman 320t is a good choice for any walker and jogger. Or you can stay with 220t and save yourself some money. Ironman 320t

Ironman M4

Although the competition is pretty strong in the mid-price range, Keys Fitness managed to make Ironman M4 a desirable choice. It's a user friendly, easy-to-use treadmill, with good cushioning, elegant display console, big running surface and a motor strong enough for most runners. Ironman M4

Ironman M5

An improvement over M4, Ironman M5 has some better features for $200 more. Choose M5 over M4 if you want a stronger motor, a better, LED-based display and more workout programs. Ironman M5

Ironman M6

Ironman M6 is the best from Ironman, but the price increase of $500 up from M5 puts it in a tough position. It's strong motor and extra long running deck will satisfy the most serius runners and it has an orthopedic belt to additionally reduce the strain on your knees and joints, but be sure to check the competing models from Smooth, Spirit and Trimline before you make your purchasing decision. Ironman M6

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